GENERAL SUMMARY : The Service Ambassador – Loss Prevention, is responsible for providing excellent customer service, protecting company assets through activities in safety, inventory recovery, and internal and external theft deterrence. The main objective of the Service Ambassador is to serve as an active visible deterrent to theft via general friendly and superior customer service. Candidates must have strong written and verbal communication skills as well as the ability to work independently or in a team environment. Reports to LP Supervisor. No direct reports. Must possess the ability to:
T h e e s t i m at e d pay ran g e f or t h i s p o s ition i s $17.55to $21.00. T he s ucc e s s ful can d i d a t e ’ s a c t u al s ala r y o f f er w ill take i n t o ac c ount a wide ran g e o f job -r elat e d facto r s i nclu d i n g s ki l l s ets, y e a r s and n a tu r e o f r elevant e x p e ri e nc e , t r ainin g , p ay rat e s o f a ss o c iat e s in s i m i lar p o s itio n s, t he can d i d at e ’s lo c atio n , a nd o t h er o r ganizational n ee ds. T h e e s t i mat e d pay ran g e h as b ee n ad j ust e d for the app l i cable g e o g r aphic diff ere nt i a l . This r ange does n ot i n c lude b e n e f its s uch as h e a l t h i nsu r a nc e , p aid o r un p a i d ti m e o ff work,
and r e ti r e m en t .
...UC San Diego Health CNA (NX) represented RN/NP applicants will be considered after the... .... Magnet is the "gold standard" for nursing excellence and is based on strengths in five... ...requires giving chemotherapy, biotherapy, clinical trials infusion and other infusion...
Let Us Claim Consultants Insurance Inc, is seek qualified Public Adjuster to join our team Willing to located to Orlando or Central Fl A public adjuster in Florida is a state-licensed professional whoadvocates for policyholders in the insurance claim process: Surveys...
...POSITION OVERVIEW dormakaba is seeking a remote Specification Writer (Architectural) based in the Eastern US. The Specification... ...Unlimited Referral Reward Bonuses ~ Corporate Discounts for shopping, travel and more! WHY JOIN DORMAKABA? We are at the heart of...
...Institute Ambulatory Program/Project Coordinator Department : Heart Institute Ambulatory Business Entity : Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Job Category : Administrative Job Specialty : Administrative Overtime Status : NONEXEMPT...
Class A Local Tanker Drivers JobRequirements:Two years of verifiable... ..., and debug and clean cab at the end of shift.Pay: Starting... ... youre part of our family. Day and night shifts are open in... designated holidays. All trucks are late-model Peterbilt trucks...